Experience Oral Sedation for the Care You Deserve!

  • Dental anxiety is more common than you might think, affecting up to 20% of patients. If the idea of visiting the dentist makes you uneasy or if you know someone who avoids it altogether, there’s good news. Oral sedation could be the solution. 

    At High Point Dental, we understand the importance of making your dental experience relaxing and comfortable. 

    What is Oral Sedation? 

    In a study conducted by Anesthesia Progress, there is significant need and demand for sedation by Canadians. For patients with dental fears, oral sedation reduces anxiety levels considerably. It is a safe and effective technique to help anxious or fearful patients relax during dental procedures. Typically administered in the form of a prescribed pill taken before the appointment, it induces a calming effect without rendering patients unconscious. The sedative allows you to remain conscious and responsive, yet deeply relaxed. Your dentist will customize the dosage based on your individual needs. 

    If you’re ready to make your dental visit stress-free, talk to us about this option. We’re here to welcome new patients and ensure our current ones feel at ease. Let’s keep your smile healthy and happy! 

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What is the experience like with oral sedation? 

Oral sedation offers a relaxed and anxiety-free dental experience. Before your appointment, you’ll take a prescribed pill. As the sedative takes effect, you’ll feel deeply calm yet remain conscious. Communication with your dentist is possible throughout the procedure. Afterward, the sedative’s effects gradually wear off. It’s a safe and reassuring option, ensuring a more pleasant dental visit for those seeking a stress-free solution. 

How long does oral sedation last? 

Rest assured, we’ll tailor your medication to ensure it lasts throughout your entire treatment, whether it’s a quick one-hour visit or a more extended four-hour session. 

How is the medication for oral sedation chosen? 

Choosing the right oral sedation for you is a personalized process that takes into account various factors to ensure your comfort and safety. Together, we’ll consider: 

    • Your medical history: People react differently to oral sedation, so a thorough review of your health and current medications is crucial. This helps us predict any possible interactions and understand how the medication will be metabolized. 
    • The length of your treatment: We’ll discuss your treatment plan in advance and provide an estimate of the duration of each procedure. Oral sedation is great for tackling multiple treatments in one go, and many of our patients find this option convenient. 
    • Your comfort level: We want to understand your anxiety or fear, taking into account your past experiences. By discussing your needs, we can tailor the sedation to ensure you feel comfortable and at ease throughout your dental visit.

 Benefits of Oral sedation include…

    • Anxiety Relief: Offers deep calm, easing dental anxiety. 
    • Enhanced Comfort: Increases relaxation during procedures. 
    • Conscious Sedation: Keeps you awake and responsive during treatment. 
    • Versatility: Effective for various dental procedures. 
    • Simple Administration: Convenient pill form before the appointment. 
    • Amnesic Effect: Reduces memory of previous dental experiences. 
    • Time Efficiency: Allows for the completion of multiple procedures in fewer visits 
    • Gag Reflex Reduction: Minimizes discomfort from the gag reflex. 
    • Positive Experience: Ensures a stress-free dental visit. 
    • Patient Empowerment: Empowers you with a greater sense of control over fears 

Care Received before and after treatment. 

Before we prescribe oral sedation for you, we’ll have a friendly chat about your feelings toward dental treatment and your overall health. If oral sedation seems like a good fit and you choose to go ahead, you’ll take a pill at home about an hour before your appointment. You’ll start feeling its calming effects even before you arrive, ensuring it’s fully effective during your care. 

The effects will last throughout your appointment; unfortunately, you won’t feel them wearing off before you leave so it’s essential to keep in mind— and we’ll remind you when we prescribe—that it’s mandatory to arrange for someone to bring you to our practice and be there to take you home after your care is complete. Your safety and comfort are our top priorities! 

Facts about oral sedation: 

  • Supports those with dental phobia in building and keeping up with a consistent dental care routine crucial for overall health. 
  • Needle-free experience. 
  • Just one pill is all it takes. 
  • More cost-effective than IV sedation. 
  • Offers a range from gentle relaxation to moderate sedation. 
  • If you happen to doze off, we will wake you up easily. 
  • Ideal for individuals with a low pain threshold, super-sensitive teeth, or a bothersome gag reflex. 

Are you wondering if oral sedation will benefit you? 

Ease your worries about dental appointments with the help of dental sedation! If the thought of visiting the dentist makes you uneasy, give us a call at (905) 625-5751, your friendly dental team in Mississauga. We’re here to assist you in overcoming any apprehension or fear, and together, we’ll pave the way for improved oral and overall health. We look forward to making your dental experience a stress-free one!