Take-Home Teeth Whitening 

  • Reach out today about Professional At-Home Teeth Whitening 

        • Enjoy personalized trays crafted to fit your unique smile. 
        • Witness rapid results with our safe and effective whitening agent. 
        • Whiten your teeth at your convenience. 
        • Receive easy-to-follow guidance from our friendly team. 
        • Elevate your confidence! 
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    What causes teeth to appear stained, discolored, or yellow? 

    Teeth may not be as white due to the following: 

      • Food and Drinks: Consuming tea, coffee, red wine, and certain foods, such as berries can cause staining. 
      • Tobacco Use: Smoking or chewing tobacco contributes to yellowing and discoloration. 
      • Poor Oral Hygiene: Inadequate brushing and flossing allow plaque to stain teeth. 
      • Aging: Natural enamel wear over time reveals the yellowish dentin beneath. 
      • Medications: Some medications can cause tooth discoloration as a side effect. 

    Do professional at-home whitening kits work better than store-bought options? 

    Yes, professional at-home whitening kits often outperform store-bought options. Dentist-prescribed kits use higher-quality bleaching agents and customized trays for better results. They also provide professional guidance, ensuring safety and effectiveness. While store-bought options may be budget-friendly and offer convenience, professional kits generally deliver superior and more consistent teeth-whitening outcomes, addressing individual needs by consisting of customized whitening trays and a powerful whitening agent. 

    How are professional at-home teeth whitening kits used? 

    After your visit to our office and being confirmed as a suitable candidate for teeth whitening, if you decide to proceed, here’s what happens next: we’ll create personalized molds of your upper and lower jaw. Once your custom whitening trays are ready, we’ll give you a call so you can swing by and pick them up. We’ll also provide clear instructions on how to make the most of your at-home whitening system. 

    If a brighter smile is what you’re after, we’re excited to offer you a safe, fast-acting, and effective at-home treatment. Give us a call today, and let’s get started!